Perdidos e achados 

Air Serbia

Looking for the best way to get back your lost item from Air Serbia?

Click the button below to recover your lost property from Air Serbia. Deliverback will handle the shipping, the support, and the coordination with your airline.

Não tem a certeza de como funciona? 

Saiba mais sobre o nosso processo aqui ou verificar o FAQ to learn how to get back your lost property from Air Serbia

  • Passo 1Lost item form - Air Serbia

    Once you submit the form, our experienced team will review your details regarding the lost item forgotten on Air Serbia. If we need additional information, we will contact you
  • Passo 2We coordinate the pickup with Air Serbia

    One of our support agents will contact the airline company (Air Serbia) or the handling company collaborating with your airline to confirm that your lost item was found. We will provide all the required information via email, keeping you updated with details such as your tracking number, the pickup date from Air Serbia, and any other additional information
  • Passo 3We ship your lost item from the lost and found department of Air Serbia

    Once all the details are confirmed, one of our courier partners (such as DHL, UPS, or FedEx) will pick up your lost item from the airline, Air Serbia, and we will notify you with all the information. Your item will be delivered safely to the address you provide

Perguntas mais frequentes

Check below for some frequently asked questions to learn more about the process of recovering your lost item from Air Serbia
1How can I recover a lost item left on Air Serbia?
The first thing you need to do is submit the form at the top of this page. After that, Deliverback’s support team will process your request and notify you and Air Serbia if additional information is required
2How do I contact the lost and found department of Air Serbia?
You can contact Deliverback directly for any questions regarding the lost and found in Air Serbia. Then we will do our best to contact your airline, Air Serbia. For any additional questions about your lost item in Air Serbia you can send us an email at [email protected] as well.
3How long does it take for lost item to be found by Air Serbia?
Based on our data and experience, 80% of lost items are found within 1-3 days. For more specific questions about lost and found with Air Serbia, please contact us via chat or email at [email protected].
4How will Air Serbia verify that the lost item actually belongs to me?
Our support team will contact the Air Serbia you traveled with and will verify the ownership of your lost item before starting the shipping process.