Lost item in Bielefeld
Looking for the best way to get your lost item from Bielefeld?
Click the button below in order to submit your claim and Deliverback will handle the rest to help you get back your lost item from Bielefeld!
Passo 1Lost item Claim process - Bielefeld
Our operations team will check your claim for your lost item in Bielefeld and will start checking all the required information. In case we need additional details we will contact you and then we will verify those details with the police or lost and found department in BielefeldPasso 2Contact the Lost and found department in Bielefeld
One of our support agents will contact the local lost and found department at the Bielefeld in order to start the research of your lost item. We will provide all the required information to check if your item lost in Bielefeld was found.Passo 3Contact over email for your lost item in Bielefeld
In case additional information and authorisation is required, we will ask you to send emails to the local police department or the lost and found department of the Bielefeld city.
Perguntas mais frequentes
Check below some of the frequently asked questions to learn more about the process of getting back your lost item from Bielefeld
1How do I get back a lost item left at Bielefeld city?
The first thing you have to do is submit the claim form on the top of this page. After that the support team of Deliverback will process your claim and will notify you if additional informations are required to get back your lost item from Bielefeld.
2How do I contact the lost and found department of Bielefeld?
You can contact Deliverback for any questions regarding the lost and found process for items left at Bielefeld. You can send us an email at [email protected] as well. Please mention where your lost item is in Bielefeld and your current location.
3How long does it take for lost items to be found in Bielefeld?
Almost 80% of the lost items in Bielefeld is found in 2-5 days. For questions around the lost and found process from Bielefeld please contact us over email at [email protected]
4How can you verify that my lost item in Bielefeld actually belongs to me?
Our support team and the police department of the Bielefeld will verify the rightful owner and might ask questions to verify the ownership of your lost item to ensure that the item lost in Bielefeld actually belongs to you.