Истории клиентов

We create the best possible lost and found experience across several hundred hotels and venues all over Europe. We help them all increase guest loyalty by making it radically easy to find and return lost items.

Quick facts

In less than 3 years, Deliverback has
Onboarded Hotels include:
Working with Global Courier Providers:
  • Dejan
    Unfortunately I can give you only 5 stars even though you deserve much more!! I have received my lost baggage without any complications. The team from Deliverback was great, always there, always fast response, always nice! Thank you very much for your support! 🙂
    Hotel Guest
  • Mariusz R.

    All good and comfortable. Great system when you forget sth form the hotel on the other site of the globe ;)

    Mariusz R.
    Hotel Guest
  • Eva M.
    The hotel management recommended deliverback and the whole process was made very quickly and easy.My package arrived quickly and in good condition all the way to Australia. Highly recommend them
    Eva M.
    Hotel Guest

Sounds too easy?

That's because it is!

Register your hotel today or request a demo call.