Domande frequenti
If you don't find an answer to your question here, just drop us a message!
General Questions
1Ho dimenticato qualcosa in un hotel, come posso recuperarlo?
La prima cosa da fare è contattare l'hotel e chiedere se l'hanno trovato. In caso affermativo, visitate il nostro sito web e compilate il modulo. A tutto il resto pensiamo noi.
2Quanto tempo ci vuole per ricevere il mio articolo?
Questo dipende dall'indirizzo di consegna e dal servizio selezionato. Possiamo spedire l'articolo durante la notte se vivete in una grande città, altrimenti possono essere necessari fino a cinque giorni lavorativi per la consegna. Dipende anche dall'hotel se il pacco è pronto quando il nostro autista arriva per il ritiro.
3My tracking number is not working
The tracking process will not start until the item has been picked up and scanned by the carrier (UPS, DHL, etc.). Once it has been scanned, the tracking number will be active. If your tracking number is not active within 24 hours on a weekday, or on a Monday after a weekend, we recommend you contact us and we will investigate on the reason why your pickup has been delayed.
4I can’t locate my hotel on your list
Please contact our support desk at [email protected] to bring this to our attention and we will fix this instantly
5I am seeing many hotels with the same name
Please look at the destination. It’s not rare to find hotels with the same name. Its is rare to find hotels with the same name at the same destination (city or village). So pay attention for the city info.
6Come posso contattare Deliverback se ho bisogno di ulteriore assistenza?
Our support desk is available to you on weekdays from 08:00 am – 16:00pm CET (central European time).
Our contact details are:
📞 +30 2108907000
✉️ [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Lost Items & Shipping
1What happens if I forget my wallet?
Shipping the wallet will not be a problem. The problem is we are not allowed to send cash or cash equivalents (credit cards included). In this case, your cash would have to remain at the hotel for safekeeping and we will ship your wallet with the rest of its contents. Credit cards are also not allowed to be shipped. They would need to be cancelled and reissued at your local bank.
2Valigie e borse
Deliverback can also help you with shipping luggage and bags. However, we need to make make clear that carriers have specific rules and regulations on what can and can’t be shipped.
More info on the list of items NOT allowed to be shipped can be viewed [here](https://www.ups.com/gb/en/help-center/shipping-support/prohibited-items.page)
If these bags contain liquids or other items that are classified as dangerous or forbidden, they would be removed by the carrier personnel before being forwarded. This could be a spray, a perfume, a powerbank etc.
3Customs are asking me to pay import duties
In some countries, certain items (i.e. electronics) might be subject to import duties. This is something you – the recipient, will have to pay, and we have no way of knowing beforehand what this cost will be, especially because these are primarily used items and determining their value is very hard. It’s practically impossible for deliverback to know the rules and regulations on import duties and tariffs for every country in the world, so we suggest you inquire with you local authorities before proceeding with the shipping.
4My item has been lost by the courier
In the rare occasion that an item is lost by the carrier, we will refund you the cost of shipping and the carrier will compensate you up to $100. Each carrier has different requirements & processes to complete the refund.
Our support desk will help you handle the process.
5Can you overnight me my item?
We sure can! Provided you live in a large metropolitan area and you forgot your item in a hotel in a large city and we receive your order by 12:00 noon.
Conditions apply.
6Posso inviare gioielli?
Yes, we can ship jewellery, provided their value is up to $5,000(USD) and you declare its value when placing the order.
7Can I insure my item?
Yes, you can. And you should, if the item shipped is expensive. A very affordable premium will be charged on top of the shipping charges. Please contact our support desk at [email protected] for more details.