Più tempo, più sorrisi.

Questo è ciò che si ottiene quando il processo di smarrimento è gestito da Deliverback.

Un'applicazione all-in-one

Deliverback offers a unified solution to easily register, ship, track, and manage your lost and found. Setup takes 2 minutes and no integration is required. And the best part is that it’s free of charge for your business! You register your lost items and we help you return them to their rightful owners

Gestione dell'inventario integrata

Still using pen and paper or Excel sheets? Use our modern inventory solution to register all the items that you find in a single place, use our item categorization and notify your customers (the rightful owners) proactively, and manage the lifecycle of your items (from found to recycled).

This process will improve your customer experience and will help you track any unclaimed property that is stored in your lost and found department

Gestione delle spedizioni

Tenete traccia di tutte le spedizioni di oggetti smarriti in un'unica dashboard, filtrate e cercate rapidamente, stampate i buoni di spedizione e chiarite quali oggetti sono stati riconsegnati ai proprietari! 

Deliverback works for single location or multiple location businesses and it is very easy to add an additional location and track the shipments. You can ship your guests' luggage, souvenirs, lost items, and any item that needs to be sent or returned


Sapete quanto vi costa ogni anno il processo di smarrimento?


Scopri come il Galaxy, un hotel a 5★ in Grecia, sta vivendo il Deliverback 

After 2 years of being a client, Galaxy hotel in Heraklion Crete, shares their view on how Deliverback helped the experience of their guests when requesting their lost items back

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