Leaving Personal Items in Airbnb: What You Need to Know and How to Recover Them

An Airbnb host in a cozy, modern living room holding a phone while looking at various personal items left behind by a guest, including a laptop, phone charger, watch, and book, with an open suitcase on the floor

Staying at an Airbnb can feel like a home away from home, offering comfort, privacy, and a unique experience that hotels often can’t match. However, with the homely environment comes a common issue: Leaving personal items in Airbnb properties. Whether it’s your phone charger, a cherished piece of jewelry, or, worse, a laptop, forgetting something behind can be a hassle. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Leaving personal items in Airbnb properties, from the steps to recover your belongings to what responsibilities an Airbnb host has when an item is lost.

The Commonality of Leaving Personal Items in Airbnb

It’s surprisingly common to find yourself leaving personal items in Airbnb accommodations. After a relaxing stay or a rushed check-out, many guests realize they’ve left something at Airbnb properties. The problem might be as minor as forgetting a toiletry bag or as major as an Airbnb lost laptop. Regardless of the item’s value, the stress and frustration of realizing that you’ve forgotten something can be immense.

What To Do If You Left Something in Airbnb?

If you’ve found yourself asking, “What to do if I left something in Airbnb?” the first step is to contact your host immediately through the Airbnb platform. Provide a detailed description of the item, where you think it was left, and ask if it has been found. But what if your host isn’t responding, or worse, is unwilling to help? This situation leads to the question, “Is Airbnb responsible for lost items?”

Is Airbnb Responsible for Lost Items?

While Airbnb encourages hosts to return lost items, it doesn’t directly hold them responsible for guest belongings left behind. The official policy states that the responsibility primarily lies with the guest. This lack of clear accountability can lead to uncertainty and confusion when items are not immediately found or returned. In some cases, a guest might even feel that an Airbnb host won’t return item despite clear communication.

Steps to Recover Items Left at an Airbnb

  1. Immediate Contact: As soon as you realize you’ve left something at Airbnb, contact your host through the Airbnb messaging system. Clear communication is key to a swift resolution.

  2. Provide Details: Be as specific as possible about the item and where you think you left it. This helps the host locate the item more efficiently.

  3. Discuss Return Options: Once the item is located, discuss the best way for it to be returned. This might involve shipping, which you might need to cover.

  4. Use Services like Deliverback: If the host is unresponsive or if you prefer a hassle-free recovery, consider using services like Deliverback to easily get your lost item back. This platform specializes in helping guests retrieve items left behind in vacation rentals.

What To Do if You Have Left an Expensive Item, like an Airbnb Lost Laptop?

When dealing with high-value items, like an Airbnb lost laptop, the stakes are much higher. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Act Fast: The sooner you realize you’ve left something valuable behind, the better your chances of recovering it. Contact your host immediately.

  2. Check Your Insurance: Some homeowner or renter’s insurance policies cover items left in vacation rentals. Check to see if this applies to you.

  3. File a Report: If the item is not recovered, consider filing a report with local authorities, especially if you suspect theft.

  4. Use Deliverback for Expedited Recovery: For valuable items, using a service like Deliverback ensures a professional approach to recovering your item. They have the experience and resources to handle such situations delicately and effectively.

FAQ Section

1. What if my Airbnb host won’t return my item?

If an Airbnb host won’t return item, remain calm and polite in your communications. Remember that hosts are often busy, and there might be a delay. If communication stalls, reach out to Airbnb support for guidance. For quicker resolution, consider using Deliverback to mediate and facilitate the return of your belongings.

2. How does an Airbnb host handle lost or damaged items?

Airbnb encourages hosts to make a reasonable effort to return lost items. However, the process can vary depending on the host’s discretion. Hosts are not obligated to return items, and any damaged items are usually not compensated unless negligence can be proven.

For Airbnb Hosts: Handling Lost and Found Items

If you’re an Airbnb host, dealing with items left behind can be a bit tricky. Here’s how you can manage lost and found items left behind by guests effectively:

  1. Inventory Check: After each guest leaves, conduct a thorough check of the property for any forgotten items. This not only ensures the property is ready for the next guest but also helps in immediately identifying any belongings that were left behind.

  2. Communication: If you find an item, reach out to the guest as soon as possible. Inform them about the item and discuss how they would like to proceed with the return.

  3. Use Deliverback: For a smooth process, you can register on Deliverback, a platform designed to assist hosts and guests with the return of lost items.

How to Register on Deliverback

  1. Visit the Deliverback Website: Start by visiting the Deliverback website and signing up for an account.

  2. Create a Profile: Set up your profile with your property details and contact information.

  3. List Found Items: When you find an item left by a guest, you can list it on Deliverback’s platform.

  4. Arrange for Delivery: Deliverback provides you with options for safe and secure delivery of the item back to the guest. This minimizes any inconvenience for both you and your guests.

  5. Follow Up: Make sure to follow up with the guest through the platform to ensure they received their item and are satisfied with the service.

By using Deliverback, you, as a host, can enhance your guest experience, turning what could be a frustrating situation into a positive interaction.

Why Choose Deliverback?

Deliverback offers several advantages for both guests and hosts when it comes to handling forgotten items:

  • Convenience: Both hosts and guests can manage the return process through an easy-to-use platform, reducing hassle and time.

  • Security: Deliverback ensures that items are returned securely, which is especially important for valuable or sensitive belongings.

  • Professionalism: For hosts, using Deliverback can enhance your reputation for being responsive and caring, potentially leading to better reviews and repeat bookings.


Forgetting personal items at an Airbnb can happen to anyone, and knowing how to handle such situations can save you from unnecessary stress. Whether you’re a guest worrying about a lost item or a host looking to streamline the lost-and-found process, understanding the steps to take is crucial. Leaving personal items in Airbnb accommodations does not have to be a nightmare. With clear communication and resources like Deliverback, recovering your belongings can be straightforward and stress-free. Next time you find yourself asking, “What to do if I left something in Airbnb?” remember that there are effective solutions available to help you retrieve your items quickly and safely.

Using Deliverback not only eases the recovery process but also helps maintain a positive relationship between hosts and guests, ensuring everyone enjoys the Airbnb experience without worry. So whether it’s a forgotten phone charger or an Airbnb lost laptop, rest assured that there are ways to get your items back, making leaving personal items in Airbnb less of a hassle than it seems.

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